Getting started
Starting a new project is simple and fast.
If you have no active projects or after clicking the new project menu option, a modal window like the one below will be presented.
Enter a name for the project and optionally include authentication and authorization capabilities.
You may select a template and the Laravel™ version you want to use for the new project and its base url.
Depending on the template you choose you may find some database tables already defined by default.
You may edit their names, types and optionally add authentication, soft deletion, notifiable and authorization capabilities to the corresponding models.
If you don't want a certain table to be created for your new project, you may delete it by clicking the delete button ()
To add more tables and models, click the add button () and fill in the newly added row.
Also depending on the selected template you may find some predefined routes.
For each route, you may select the desired verb, name, group and endpoint url.
If the route is of type GET, you may select or create the screen to be returned as response. Optionally, you may import the screen the screen from an image, an url or an HTML file.
If the route verb is one of POST, PUT or DELETE, you may instead choose to which GET route to redirect the response.
Remember that, unlike database tables, at least one route has to be defined before creating the new project.
After the project is created, a navigation bar will be visible at the top of the platform's UI . You are now ready to start developing your project!
Clicking on the first navigation menu, the project's name, will show the project's actions menu.
In case you have multiple active projects, you can jump to another project by selecting it from the projects list.
After filling out the publishing settings, you may commit or publish (push) your project's code.
You may also download the project's code to your local machine.
Finally, by clicking the new button () you can create a new project.
The second navigation menu allows you to manipulate the current environment.
You may view and edit the environment variables, rename the current environment and, if more than one environment is available, delete the current environment.
If more than one environment is available, you may switch environments by selecting one from the environments list.
To add an environment, simply click on the add environment () menu option and add the name for the new environment.
To customize and manage your project, use the last menu item to navigate to sections where you can define and adjust specific settings.
Each section is fully described in the documentation to guide you.
At any point, you can download your project’s code and run composer install to set it up locally.
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