Database Seeding
Define seeding options.
When enabled the database will be seeded as specified with 10 fake instances of the selected model before each run of the project.
If you want to also generate database seeding code, check the publish check () and insert the number of fake instances the seeding code should be set to generate.
Faker Options
For each database column/model field select which type of fake data to generate. Based on the field representation diffewrent options will be shown.
If the model has relations, you may opt to generate fake instances to be related to the current model by checking the relation's name and inserting the desired number of fake relations to be generated.
Custom Seeding
You may want to seed specific instances, for example a test user you want to use.
To add a custom instance to be seed, click on the plus button () and enter the needed information for each column/field of the table/model.
The inserted custom fake instances wil be seeded also by the generated seeders, if opted to generate seedeing code.