Main Settings

Here you have control of the main settings of your project.

You can set the project in maintenance mode and change the project's name .

Maintenance Mode

After opting to put your project in maintenance mode, the section below will change in something similar to this:

https:// 1233456789

In maintenance mode your project will display a maintenance window to the users. You can still access the project as usual using a secret key.

You can regenerate the key, or copy the entire url. Finally you can choose to have a refresh time, which will tell the user's browser to refresh after the given amount of seconds.

The three icons on the right allow you to define the poject's behavior:

  • Toggle login and registration
  • Toggle roles and permission

Next you may set the timezone used across the project.

Finally you can disable or delete the project.

Project Logo & Description

Select a logo for your project. This will also work as the favicon of your website.
Optionally, you can also add a project description. You will only be able to see it when using Hatthi.

Url Settings

This section allows you to control your project's basic url settings.

You can set the base url and add subdomains managed by the project.

Adding subdomains is as easy as clicking on the add domain button (), inserting the domain name and confirming the action.

You can delete any of the subdomains you have created by clicking the delete domain button () and confirming the action.

Api Settings

Choose if your project should have an api dedicated entry point.

After enabling an api dedicated endpoint, you can choose if it should be formed by adding a prefix to the base url of the project or using one of the optionally defined subdomains.

If you want your api responses to wrap the output data, check the icon and optionally set a name for the wrapping key.

Admin Panel Settings

Choose if your project should have an administration panel.

After enabling an administration panel, you can choose if it should be accesible by adding a prefix to the base url of the project or using one of the optionally defined subdomains.

Frontend Settings

To be able to correctly generate assets urls, you need to specify which disk url to use.

The project's localization settings can be managed on the right side.

To add a language, just click on the plus button () and select from the list.

Choose the default locale by clicking on the corresponding flag image. The default language is highlighted with the color  .

Locales can be deleted by clicking on the delete button () on the right of each language.

Project Fonts

Here, you can add the fonts you want to use on your project's pages.

By clicking on the plus button() you will be able to choose from a variety of fonts.We currently support all browser default fonts, as well as all Google Fonts™.

Project Colors

Here you can create the color pallete for your project.

By clicking on the plus button() a color picker will appear that lets you a new color.

Publishing Settings

You can optionally choose to also bind a repository or FTP server to publish the generated code.

Select the type of publishing target.

Choosing a repository will let you define the repository url, the username and password for connecting to the repository and select the branch you want to use for publishing

For the FTP server opption you will have to specify the host, port, username and password and optionally a home folder to connect to the server for publishing.